Meet the PR Team

Rachel Diehl, Red Rock
Public Image Chair

Rachel is the President of the Red Rock Rotary Club and their Club PR Chair.  She has also served as the New Member Coordinator for the Club.  Rachel joined our Rotary family in 2007, helping to charter the Las Vegas Rotaract Club at UNLV and serving as the charter President-Elect.  Rachel will be available to answer any questions from our clubs on writing and promoting press releases to their local communities.  She has produced a PR Cheat Sheet which is available on the District website. She is currently a manager at Preferred Public Relations, coordinating PR campaigns, press materials, messaging media interviews, special events and promotions for several entertainment, retail, and destination clients.

Debbie Harris, Las Vegas
Social Media Chair

Debbie has been a Rotarian since 2007 and have chaired several committees in the Las Vegas Rotary Club, including a Membership Drive, Nellis Night at the 51s for our Military, Classification Chair, PR Co-Chair and Social Media Chair.  I will be overseeing the PR Committee; available to speak at clubs on The Social Rotarian, available to assist clubs with their social media questions and post on our District Facebook page.  As CEO of, my business is helping professionals effectively use social media, create social media policies and stay compliant within their specific industries. Richard Reed, Las Vegas
Web and Online Marketing

Richard is an active member of the Las Vegas Rotary, serving on the Foundation Board and a past Rotarian of the Year.  He has created the Las Vegas Rotary Club website.  Richard will be assisting with Internet marketing, web development and related social media projects for the District.   Richard has been working online for 20+ years and those Internet skills have helped him successfully operate over 600+ websites including 
Robert Basile, Rancho Del Chino
Content Writer

Bob just completed a very successful year as President of the Rancho del Chino Rotary.  He is the District Representation for Youth Exchange Services and plans on returning to RYLA again as a Lab Leader.  Bob will be assisting the District PR Committee with article writing and is available to answer any questions from our Clubs on how to prepare a blog or article for their website, the Highlighter, etc.  He is currently working for Edward Jones as an investment advisor.

Rotary Basics 2015-2016

Campaign Timeline
Media Alert Template
Press Release Template
Rotary Basics Powerpoint
Rotary Member Analysis
Sample Press Release
Sample Media Alert
PR Cheat Sheet


Presentation at the 2014-15 District Assembly


Public relations efforts are vital to Rotary’s continued growth and service. Creating a positive image for Rotary is the responsibility of every Rotarian, both locally and globally. Rotary founder Paul Harris said it himself: “In the promotion of understanding, it is important to reach large numbers, non-Rotarians as well as Rotarians, and you cannot reach large numbers privately.”  The Public Relations team continues to improve our efforts and outreach to ensure that you get the resources you need in a format easy to understand.


Cheat Sheet


Want an inside track to an award winning newsletter and website? Give your Club newsletter and website an extreme makeover following these simple guidelines and YOU could be bringing home an award at the District Conference next year.

Website Tips
Newsletter Tips




About Rotary (includes “This is Rotary” video)
Why join?


District Calendar

DG Official Visit - Monrovia Rotary
September 3rd 2024
More info

DG Official Visit - San Marino Rotary
September 5th 2024
More info

DG Official Visit - Claremont
September 6th 2024
More info

Membership Committee On Line Zoom Meeting
September 18th 2024
More info

Club Intent to Participate TLC 2024
September 20th 2024
More info

DG Official Visit - Las Vegas Southwest
September 23rd 2024
More info

AG On Line Zoom Meeting
September 25th 2024
More info

DG Official Visit - Apple Valley, Victorville & Barstow
September 26th 2024
More info

The Highlighter and Quicknotes